• What is Bronchitis?

    Your bronchial tubes deliver air from your trachea (windpipe) into your lungs. When these tubes become inflamed, mucus can build up. This condition is called bronchitis, and it causes symptoms that can include coughing, shortness of breath, and low fever.

    Bronchitis can be acute or chronic:

    • Acute bronchitis typically lasts less than 10 days, but the coughing can continue for several weeks.
    • Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, can last for several weeks and usually comes back. This condition is more common in people with asthma or emphysema.

    Read on to learn more about symptoms, causes, and treatment of acute bronchitis.


    Ayurveda View of Bronchitis

    What is an Ayurvedic view for bronchitisBronchitis in Ayurveda is correlated with Kasa roga. In this disease, there is an aggravation of Vata and Kapha dosha. Due to which cough, cold, excessive mucus production, breathlessness, chest congestion, & chest tightness take place. In bronchitis, there is the formation of ama in the lungs.

    What is the cause of Bronchitis?

    Acute bronchitis can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. It’s most commonly caused by viruses, such as the influenza virus. It’s also possible to have bacterial and viral bronchitis at the same time.

    Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if they suspect you have bacterial bronchitis. These medications may help reduce the amount of time you’re contagious, but may not lessen the duration of symptoms, such as a cough. Antibiotics are not helpful for bronchitis caused by viruses.

    Chronic bronchitis is often caused by cigarette smoking. It can also be caused by exposure to environmental toxins, such as air pollution or secondhand smoke.

    Symptoms of Bronchitis

    The most common symptom of myocardial ischemia is angina (also called angina pectoris). Angina is chest pain that is also described as chest discomfort, heaviness, tightness, pressure, aching, burning, numbness, fullness, or squeezing. It can feel like indigestion or heartburn

    Ayurvedic Treatment of Bronchitis

    Ayurveda manages the disease by using various herbs, herbal remedies, and diet. These herbs help in balancing the three dosha of the body. These herbs are effective alone but together also give positive results in the form of herbal combination. These combinations are only effective and beneficial if prepared with natural herbs and safe to use. And Planet Ayurveda provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for Allergic bronchitis.


    Home Remedies for Bronchitis

    • It’s possible to treat acute bronchitis at home using natural remedies. Many of these methods may provide additional health benefits as well.
      1. Ginger
      Some researchers have found evidence Trusted Source that ginger can have an anti-inflammatory effect against respiratory infection. You can take ginger in several ways:


      • Chew dried, crystallized ginger.
      • Use fresh ginger to make tea.
      • Eat it raw or add it to food.
      • Take it in capsule form as directed.
    • It’s safest to use ginger in a natural form, rather than in capsules or supplements. You may be sensitive to ginger, so take it in small amounts if you’re not used to it. Eating occasional ginger is safe for everyone, but do not take ginger as a supplement or medication if you:
      • are pregnant or breastfeeding
      • have diabetes
      • have heart problems
      • have any type of blood disorder
    • Learn more: What are the benefits and side effects of ginger water? »
      2. Garlic
      Garlic is said to have countless healing properties. Results of a 2016 study
      Trusted Source
      show that garlic effectively inhibited the growth of infectious bronchitis virus. This finding suggests garlic can be used as a natural remedy for bronchitis.
      Fresh garlic is best, but if you dislike the taste you may take garlic in capsule form.
      Use garlic with caution if you have a bleeding disorder. Always take it in small amounts to make sure it doesn’t upset your stomach.
      Learn more: Foods with healing power: The benefits of garlic »
      3. Turmeric


      • Add fresh turmeric to salads or use it to make pickles.
      • Mix 1/2 teaspoon of powdered turmeric with 1 teaspoon of honey to make a paste. Consume the paste 1 to 3 times per day while symptoms last.
      • Take turmeric in capsule form as directed.
      • Use powdered or fresh turmeric to make tea.
    • Using turmeric as a spice in food is usually safe unless you are sensitive. Do not use turmeric as a medication if you have:
      • stomach issues
      • gallbladder issues
      • bleeding or blood disorders
      • hormone-sensitive conditions
      • iron deficiency
    • If you’re pregnant or nursing, don’t take turmeric in large amounts.
      Learn more: 7 ways urmeric tea benefits your health »
      4. Steam
      Steam helps break up mucus so you can expel it more easily. The easiest way to use steam is in the bath or shower. Make your shower as hot as you can handle, step in, then breathe deeply through your mouth and nose.
      The hot water will also help relax muscles that may be tense from coughing. You can also visit a steam room at a gym or spa, if one’s available and you have enough energy. It’s best not to soak in a hot bath if you feel ill or short of breath.
      Another steam option involves putting hot water in a bowl, covering your head with a towel, and inhaling the steam. Some people add a mentholated vapor rub to the hot water to help with moving mucus. The bowl-and-towel method can be dangerous, though, because the water could be hotter than you intended, which could cause the steam to burn your airways. Do not stay over the hot water for more than a minute or two at a time, and don’t continue to heat the water.
      5. Salt water
      Gargling salt water may help break up mucus and reduce pain in your throat. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. Sip small amounts of the salt water and gargle at the back of your throat. Do not swallow the water. Instead, spit it out in the sink. Repeat as often as you like. Afterwards, you may want to rinse your mouth with plain water.
      6. Sleep
      Get plenty of sleep and allow your body to rest. It may be difficult to sleep soundly while fighting a cough, but take care to avoid any unnecessary activity. It is during the deep stages of sleep that you repair and enhance immune function so your body can better fight the inflammation.
      7. Lifestyle changes
      A healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand with the prevention of illnesses. It can help you recover faster when you’re sick, too. A minor illness may even be your body’s way of telling you to slow down and take it easy.

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